Check out some of our favorite videos and tracks, links to some of our live performances and streamed services, and some family stuff just for fun.
Sunset Shabbat
Released in 2021, Sunset Shabbat (under "sunmoonpie") offers a Friday evening musical immersive experience, with original melodies like Umavir Yom, new tunes for Lecha Dodi and several psalms from the Kabbalat Shabbat service, Ose Shalom set to the tune of Simon & Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence." Also featuring the Congregation Bet Haverim chorus on Yerushalayim Shel Zahav.
Ashrei (AJA)
Michael produced this 2022 video of Emet's class to the tune of Pharrell's "Happy" (Bonnie & Michael's adaptation) for Atlanta Jewish Academy, where he taught music from 2021-2023.
We Don't Talk About Haman
Check out the Levines' popular Purim parody of "We Don't Talk about Bruno" from Encanto, released March 2022. We were featured in Kveller as one of "The Best Purim ‘Encanto’ Parodies On the Internet"! Here's what they said:
One of several “We Don’t Talk About Haman,” this one comes from Atlanta-based Jewish duo sunmoonpie. This video incorporates some existing and new animations and is basically a Purim spiel — a retelling of the Purim story. I love the lyrics “On Purim we drink a lot / The next day — my head!” and “Oy vey / will Esther save the day?” (spoiler alert: yes, she will).
My favorite part of this video is the CGI-ing of a hamantaschen onto Bruno’s head. So silly and yet so strangely flattering! I also love that Haman is briefly represented by “Tiger King” villain Joe Exotic. Very good stuff.
Shabbat Shirah
January 27, 2024: Bonnie performed as part of the Congregation Bet Haverim chorus at Shabbat Shirah. Bonnie was a featured soloist on "Shelter Us in Place," an arrangement from Eliana Light's new album Orah Hi, on which Bonnie was part of the musical ensemble.
Check out Shabbat Shirah here.
Orah Hi
January 15, 2024: Michael and Bonnie performed the album in January 2024 in Durham. Michael (sound engineer) and Bonnie (vocals and harmonium) are featured on Eliana Light's album Orah Hi, released in August 2023.
Check out Orah Hi on Eliana's website here.
Vulcan Song
Michael gives an impromptu performance of his original Vulcan Song in front of the man himself - Birmingham Alabama, December 2023.
Weekly Shabbat services: Bonnie, Eden, and Emet appear regularly from the bimah at Ahavath Achim Synagogue for traditional services on Saturday mornings and some Friday nights. We've linked an example or two; check out Ahavath Achim Synagogue's YouTube channel for more.
High Holidays: Congregational songleading with the "Meshorerim" at traditional High Holiday Services in 5784 / 2023 at Ahavath Achim. Eden & Emet are featured in the children's choir; Bonnie directs small group and children's choir performances.
Purim: An Alice in Wonderland spectacular, celebrating a double bat mitzvah during the Megillah reading in 2023.
Just for fun
Levine family wishing a happy birthday to our beloved Bubbe in February 2024.
Check out the full video here.
Emet's summer 2023 video of "Riptide."
How to draw
March 2020: The (younger) Levine kids try their hand at visual art!
Fight Song
A little Eden and baby Emet cover Rachel Platten's "Fight Song"!